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Drop-Off & Pick-Up Proceedures

C. Ray Williams ECC Program: Monday-Friday

AM Classes: Arrival 8:40 AM   Dismissal 11:25 AM
PM Classes: Arrival 12:50 PM    Dismissal 3:35 PM

All parents MUST park at John Bishop park and walk to the back left Preschool doors.

Arrival: Parents walk children to the door to wait with the child until staff opens the door. Students may not be left unattended or dropped off early. Teachers will open the door at arrival time to allow students into the building.

Dismissal: Teachers will bring students to the door to allow students to be dismissed. Staff will only release children to persons listed on the Authorization for Pickup form. All persons picking up a child must have proper identification. Children must be picked up no later than the class dismissal time.
WCS Early Childhood Education Program: Tuesday-Friday (NO CLASS MONDAY)

AM Classes: Arrival 8:40 AM   Dismissal 11:25 AM
PM Classes: Arrival 12:50 PM    Dismissal 3:35 PM

Peer Model Students:

Families of Peer Model students MUST park at John Bishop park and walk to the Main Doors for arrival and dismissal.

Arrival: Parents walk children to the door to wait with the child until staff opens the door. Students may not be left unattended or dropped off early. Staff will open the door at arrival time to allow students into the building.

Dismissal: Staff will bring students to the door to allow students to be dismissed. Staff will only release children to persons listed on the Authorization for Pickup form. All persons picking up a child must have proper identification. Children must be picked up no later than the class dismissal time.
Special Education Students:

***Etna Road Parking lot loop access is available to families of Special Education students ONLY.

Arrival: Families of Special Education students will be provided with a Parking Pass. Please display this pass clearly in the front windshield of the vehicle to gain access to the parking lot loop.

  1. Driver pull into the loop and stay in vehicle
  2. A staff member will approach your car and assist your child in exiting the vehicle
  3. Once your child is out, you must leave

Dismissal: Families of Special Education students will be provided with a Parking Pass. Please display this pass clearly in the front windshield of the vehicle to gain access to the parking lot loop.

  1. Driver pull into the loop and stay in vehicle
  2. A staff member will approach your car and assist your child in entering the vehicle
  3. Once your child is in, you must leave

School Transportation is available to Special Education students ONLY.